A picture

When is it relevant

Taking charge of a new role/team
Making the most of the first 90 days, avoiding the traps, reducing time to learn and build a new team. This is important as the average tenure of Executive roles reduces and many new recruits fail to meet expectations.

Increasing leadership effectiveness
Creating the right conditions to get the best from others.  Organisational research has shown that leadership style has a significant impact in creating a positive climate, higher levels of team productivity and an easier job for the leader.

Leading transformational change
Developing the different skills required to lead transformational change from ‘business as usual’.

Engaging buy-in for change
Engaging with the political and emotional as well as rational reactions to change is essential for buy-in.

Changing direction/Improving performance
Gaining the support of stakeholders who have invested in the status quo to accept change.

Creating team alignment to drive change
Providing a safe structure to get the real issues on the table and improve alignment to reduce the risk of strategies derailing on implementation as differences or turf issues play out.

Improving the way we work as a team
Focusing on the strategic issues, managing constructive challenge without falling out etc


Benefits of Executive Coaching

Coaching provides:

  • the creative space for reflective learning to assist more effective delivery of goals.

  • a flexible, targeted, individualised, just-in-time approach that fits in with operational demands facing most Executives

…which can have a profound impact on individual/team effectiveness positively increasing organisational performance.

Research on return on investment (ROI)
Research by The Manchester Group Inc on a group of 100 coaching participants reported the return on investment to be 5.7 times the original investment.

Research on benefits
A study by the International Coach Federation reported by the CIPD found a range of benefits for individuals

  • Increased self awareness - 68%
  • Better goal setting - 62%
  • More balanced life - 61%
  • Lower stress levels - 57%
  • Enhanced self discovery - 53%
  • Increased confidence - 52%
  • Improved quality of life - 43%
  • Enhanced communication skills - 40%
  • Increased project completion - 36%
  • Improved health and fitness - 34%
  • Better relationships with co-workers - 33%
  • Better family relationships - 33%


Rate of Learning
> Rate of Change
= Success

'Your ability to learn faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitive advantage'

Arie de Gues

The greatest learning often comes from the storms of life

‘A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor’

English proverb
