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What is Executive Coaching?

Coaching provides a structured and safe environment for reflective learning, personal development and problem solving that stimulates new ways of thinking, seeing and reacting to issues, dilemmas and challenges that enhances our effectiveness in implementing change and achieving our goals.

Coaching supports Executives achieve measurable and sustainable performance improvement in alignment with specific business needs beyond what they thought was possible for themselves

Executive Coaching focuses on working with the maturity of experience gained by Senior Executives to address issues, dilemmas or challenges they face, using a non-directive process of enquiry, reflective listening, dialogue and supportive challenge.

Who is it for?

Executives and their Senior Teams, who are responsible for setting direction, implementing change and getting the best from others.


Why would you use it?

  • Managing personal transitions
  • Taking charge of new roles
  • Developing leadership capability
  • Accelerating/Improving effectiveness of change
  • Improving performance, motivation and retention
  • Creating a high performing executive team
  • Creating a culture of continuous learning/improvement
  • Overcoming turf issues
  • Creating collaborative working
  • Engaging others
  • Changing behaviour

What makes a good coach

‘A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are’

Ara Parasheghian

Change starts with
‘I’ not ‘They’

‘We must become the change we seek in the world’


Knowing Me

‘We all have preferred habits of thought that influence how we make decisions and interact with others’

Leonard & Straus

Knowing You

‘Integral Vision is committing ourselves to all sides of the conflict in their complexity, in our hearts and minds’

Mark Gerzon